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NEW: Our turn signal control now offers the option of automatic cancel by sensing the vehicle going around a corner. The user can select from 4 different modes of cancel - automatic turn sense and 3 timeout modes. When set for automatic cancel, the system will default to 30 second timeout if the control does not sense the turn. The control must be mounted within 12 degrees of level and one axis of the control box must be aligned front to back with the vehicle. You must put the control in a calibrate mode the first time you wish to use the auto cancel feature. This is a simple process to tell the control which way you mounted the control box in the vehicle. Auto sense cancel sensitivity can be changed based on acceleration rate during the calibration step. * Operates on all cars - 6 or 12 volts, Positive or Negative Ground. * Four Self Cancel modes including auto corner sense or three timeout and lack of brake signal to know when to cancel. * Timeout user adjustable for 15, 30, 45 seconds or Auto Corner Sense. Factory set for 15 seconds. Turn signal will not time out with the brakes applied. * Audible beep on turn - user selectable for On/Off. * Easy installation with included instructions, wiring diagrams and terminal labels on control. * Fail safes with brake and park lights still functional even with blown turn signal control fuse or no power to the control box. * Can operate with combined brake and turn lights or separate brake and turn lamps in rear of car. * Can share front Park or Fog lights for front turn signals. * Flash rate independent of lamp load. Will flash LED lamps or incandesent lamps at the same rate. * 4-way Hazard function. * Choice of machined aluminum column switch in brushed natural, black, under dash toggle or user supplied switches. * Controller can use any style momentary switches to access all control functions. * 10 pin European style screw terminal connector pre-wired for power, ground and signal switch plug. * Internal 15 amp turn function fuse and separate Park and Brake circuit 10 amp fuses. * Quick disconnect of control box for easy service. Simply unplug the 10 pin connector. Note: Available with machined aluminum column switch, under dash toggle switch, or no included switch for use with your own style momentary switches. In the process of rewiring many classic cars, our customers have asked us to install turn signals to improve driving safety. Over the years, we have installed all of the available switches. All the other systems have drawbacks. This prompted us to develop our own system to meet the needs of our classic car customers. Built for the car enthusiast by car enthusiasts! Our design goals were to provide an small attractive switch that mounts easily to the column and can be just as easily removed for shows and competition. The switch housing measures 2 1/4" x 1 3/4" x 7/8". The switch housing is held on by a single screw stainless clamp with black tubing to cover the band and a 1/2" x 4" rubber strip to protect the finish on your column. Only a small 22 gauge 3 wire cable connects the column switch to the controller. The older style turn switches require a minimum of 6 heavy hard to conceal wires to the switch. This cable has a plug in-line at the base of the column to disconnect it from the controller. Unplugging the switch does not disable your brake or park lights and no jumpers are required. The switch is machined from T6061 aluminum in brushed natural finish, painted satin black, or bead blasted so you can paint to match the interior of your car. The shaft and knob are polished T6061 aluminum. The control unit is very small measuring 2.5" x 4.5" x 1.25" with LED indicator that lights green for right turn, yellow for left turn and red for hazard flash.
User Custom Painted Housing Black Painted Housing Installation of the system is very easy. The controller comes pre-wired for the column switch, fused power and ground cables. You need to run one wire to each corner of the car, one to the brake switch and one to the park light terminal on the headlight switch. The park light wire allows the single filament front park lights to double as turn signals. You do not need to replace the sockets and add additional wire. When you turn on the park lights, the controller receives the signal from the headlight switch and turns the park lights on. You may want to replace the standard 3 candle power bulbs used for front park lights with higher 6 candle power bulbs. Of course, it will work with dual filament park lights as well. Operation of the signal is identical with a modern car except the switch is momentary - it always returns to the center (neutral) position when you let go. Once a turn is started, it will continue until you cancel it by momentarily moving the lever in the opposite direction or it times out - user adjustable for 15, 30 or 45 seconds or Automatic. A unique feature of our system is the timeout is suspended whenever the brakes are on. This compensates for the time you wait for traffic lights and slow moving traffic. We have found that a 15 second delay sufficient for most driving situations. If you signal a turn with the park lights on, the appropriate park light will blink while the opposite park light stays on. The same holds true for the brake lights. Emergency 4 way flash mode is available by holding the turn signal lever in the left turn mode for 4 seconds. All four corners will flash until manually canceled - they will not time out. Modes: The four user selectable modes are as follows: 1. 4-way flash mode - Hold the turn switch in a left turn for 4 flash cycles. 2. Beeper ON/OFF - Hold the turn switch in a right turn for 4 flash cycles. 3. Timeout/Auto cancel mode - Hold the brake on and hold the turn switch in a right turn for 4 flash cycles. The control will step through the 4 modes shown below each time you cycle the control. 1 flash/beep = 15 seconds (factory default) 2 flashes/beeps = 30 seconds 3 flashes/beeps = 45 seconds 4 flashes/beeps = Auto sense cancel mode ( 30 second cancel if turn not sensed) Note: mode not available until completion of Calibration function. 4. Auto Sense Calibrate - Hold the brake on and and hold the turn switch in a left turn for 4 flash cycles, release the brake, accelerate straight ahead for 30-50 feet, and step on the brake. The rate of acceleration will determine the sensitivity of the auto cancel. Note on LED lights: Some LED replacement lamps use internal bridge rectifiers so the LED's will work with both positive and negative ground systems. This causes a problem with all turn signal systems as you will get leakage current from the side of the car that is flashing to the opposite side running light. If you have LED lamps and experience this issue, and everything works fine with regular incandescent lamps, you will need to add blocking diodes to the running light feed to each tail lamp. Specs: Our control unit works with both positive and negative ground cars, either 6 or 12 volts. The lamp driver relays can handle 6 amps for each corner of the car. The kit comes complete with all mounting hardware, cable ties, and owners manual with installation instructions. Control box size = 4.5" x 2.5" x 1.25". Warranty is 3 year parts and labor from date of purchase. See Our New Site For Pricing - https://www.smelectrotech.com Turn Signal w/Choice of Column Switch Turn Signal w/Toggle Switch Turn Signal Control w/out switch (Use your own momentary switch(s) type) Cotton Covered Wiring Kit Full refund within 30 days if not satisfied for any reason. Note: To order any of our products, please visit us at our new website https://www.smelectrotech.com. Thank you. See Details page for more information. See Installation page for typical installation.
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